Watchet's Heritage - The Chemist Shop

It is remarkable to realise this building has been a chemist shop since the first half of the 19th century and has possibly been operating as such for as many as two hundred years.
Of course, it has undergone many changes and many different owners and although it retains an Edwardian façade, it was originally much more handsome with fluted ionic columns, which suggests it was styled in the late Georgian manner.
A distinctive feature is the tessellated mosaic entranceway, which bears the legend of a previous occupier, a feature not unique and it is possible to find other examples. The accompanying photograph depicts Griffiths, one of a long line of town criers outside the shop, a tradition that continues today.
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This page is provided by Watchet Conservation Society with the help of Watchet Chamber of Trade
and with funding from Somerset West & Taunton Council's High Street Emergency Fund.
Text and history provided by Nick Cotton