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Tony James is a freelance journalist and author based in Watchet also trading as Tony James Syndication & Tony James Books.

A former Fleet Street editor, Tony writes for newspapers and magazines worldwide and provides local news and features for the West Somerset Free Press and The Exmoor Magazine.

As well as working in press and public relations, tony also covers sailing, maritime history and coastal matters.

For newspapers and magazines worldwide, Tony specialises in business, franchising, celebrity interviews and sport. He has recently interviewed Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Dame Kelly Holmes, Sir Antony Acland KG, GCMG, GCVO and Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson.

The author of over 20 books, Tony's two most recent publications are:-

"Up the Creek" - A lifetime spent trying to be a sailor.

"Yankee Jack Sails Again" - A sentimental journey to the forgotten ports of the Southwest.

Available online from Amazon, local shops, WH Smiths, Waterstones, etc.

In his spare time Tony gives talks to various organisations such as RYA clubs, conservation societies, Lions clubs and the U3A. Pictured (centre left) is Tony at the Porlock Literary Festival with fellow-speaker Kate Adie.

Tony also enjoys playing in the local jazz band "The Darktown Strutters" - you can find out more in the website link below!

Address:-    5, The Esplanade, TA23 0AJ

Contact:-     Tony James

Telephone:- 01643 821 494 / 0789 596 1727
