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The Watchet Coastal Community Team is an economic growth action group, made up of local organisations and businesses, including Town and District Councils, Watchet Chamber of Trade, regeneration organisation The Onion Collective CIC, West Somerset Railway, Watchet Conservation Society, Watchet Market House Museum, Watchet Boat Owners Association, Theatre Melange and other local businesses and interest groups.

The Coastal Community Team has pledged to work collaboratively to:-

* Build a strong tourism economy with
   infrastructure support

* Develop a vibrant and compelling brand

* Create jobs and enterprise

* Support retail development

* Enhance cultural opportunities

Our current projects include the the new monthly Street Fairs (taking place on the first Sunday of every month), a new vibrant brand for Watchet and a programme of signage for directing visitors to tourist attractions in the town, are all already in development.

Our longer term plans include the improvement of tourism provision from the new Visitor Centre (opened July 2016), free WIFI for the town centre, new coastal walkways, sculpture trails and the East Quay Development.

Address:-    7 The Esplanade, TA23 0AJ

Contact:-     Carly Hughes

Telephone:- 07775 328 625
